Maybe the bees & butterflies have magic powers that bring people together…

After a few weeks of not looking after the garden too much (we’ve been blessed by a lot of rain this summer, and we’ve just been super bee-sy) I had some time today – on the tail end of a flu bug (no, not COVID, just a good ole flu so I had a sick day) – to do some gardening. An Evening Primrose had grown to about 4′ independently in another part of the yard so I transplanted it (hoping it’ll keep growing!), and a neighbour has a spectacular explosion of Cosmos every year and, informed by the app ‘Nature ID’ that it’s indigenous to the Americas and attracts bees and monarchs (and having observed that), I transplanted a few of those.

During my digging about who should just happen to walk by but Kathleen Law, who was one of the teachers for our PollinatorTO course! Go figure…! We had a lovely chat about the garden.
And then, minutes later, while I was digging another plant in, a lovely little girl, whom I had never met before, just walked right up to me and presented me with a beautiful yellow flower and insisted that it was for me. Wow! Made my week, or more. So very sweet.

Maybe the bees and butterflies have magic powers that bring people together!

A little vid below on the garden mid-August.