Growing, growing, growing…

Our plants have been doing well since our planting day just over two months ago! While some won’t bloom until next year, the violets and foxglove beardstongue have been beautiful, the yarrow has been blooming for a month, and the black-eyed Susans are in full flower. Everything else is growing by leaps and bounds as well, and getting lots of positive feedback from folks in the community and passers-by. See our Garden page for details about each plant and links on where to learn more.

Swamp milkweed, one of our “core” plants that will support monarch and other butterflies.

Pale-leaved sunflower, expanding into three bushes.

Vibrant black-eyed Susans, donated from a member’s garden

Black-eyed susans

Yarrow with feathery leaves and delicate white flowers that emerged in July

Foxglove beardtongue, the first of our purchased plants to blossom.

Foxglove beardtongue closeup