Happy Gardeniversary!

Today, May 15, is the one-year anniversary of “planting day,” when we turned the soil, put up the stone border, put in the beautiful labelling stakes, erected the sign, and planted 15 species of native plants for our new pollinator garden, as well as supplementing gardens on five households on the street. It looked pretty empty at first, and it was a bit hard to imagine it not just going back to burdock paradise, but it filled out as the season went on, and all the plants are back this year!

Thanks to everyone who’s been involved: those who’ve been looking after the plants in their own gardens, who set up and have been tending the corner garden, who’ve created and maintained a social media presence to let folks know we’re here, who’ve offered online advice and support, and who’ve shared what we’re doing with passers-by. Particular gratitude is due to the City’s PollinateTO program, our sponsor Greenest City, and land owner University Health Network. It wouldn’t have happened without all of you!